VideoStudio is packed with intuitive video editing tools, color grading controls, visual effects, and title creation options that make it easy to take your Instagram videos to the next creative level! VideoStudio features easy aspect ratio options to Play with the speed of your video to highlight dramatic moments, add background music that automatically fits the length of your project, and create eye-catching titles. You can expand the creative possibilities of editing your instagram video beyond the in-app functionality by editing your videos in a third party video editing software such as VideoStudio. You can add text, draw on your video, add stickers, make basic color correction adjustments and trim the beginning and end of your video. If you capture your video in-app, you can use the Boomerang, Superzoom or Rewind camera functions to add looping motion or interest to your video. Instagram offers some basic in-app video editing tools and features. Cover Photo Size: Suggested Aspect Ratio 1:1.55 (420 x 654 pixels).

This manual is available in the following languages: English. This manual comes under the category Photo/video software and has been rated by 1 people with an average of a 7.5.

Maximum Length:đ0 minutes for new/smaller accounts 60 minutes for large/verified accounts View the manual for the Corel VideoStudio Pro 2021 here, for free.IGTV gives creators direct access to their established following on Instagram without asking them to leave the application, reducing potential barriers to engagement. Since IGTV videos can be much longer than typical Instagram feed videos or stories, IGTV videos have the potential to be more immersive and engaging. IGTV videos can also be posted to your Instagram feed to encourage your regular followers to engage with your content on the IGTV platform. IGTV is Instagrams home for video, allowing users to flip through channels and discover content more easily than through traditional instagram feeds.

Videos shared through IGTV are unique as the platform they are viewed through is unique.